Friday, June 3, 2011


According to figures from Gartner iPhone and Android have their position in the smartphone market strengthened. The market shares of both operating systems grew, while other major players were down. The total smartphone market grew over the first quarter of 2009 with 48.7 percent.

Gartner calculated how many phones in the first quarter of 2010 were sold and what the relationship between the various operating systems for smartphones. Symbian, the operating system mainly for use Nokia is still the largest globally. The market share of Symbian devices sold or dropped, from 48.8 percent to 44.3 percent now. The operating system of RIM (Blackberry) is in second place with 19.4 percent (previously 20.6), and the iPhone OS takes third place with 15.4 per cent (was 10.5).

Google's Android operating system was Linux and Windows Mobile and was therefore beyond the fourth best-selling operating system for smartphones in the first quarter of 2010. Android increased from 1.6 percent in the first quarter of 2009 to 9.6 percent in 2010.

Gartner: iPhone and Android win market share
In total, smartphones in the first quarter of 2010, 17.3 percent of mobile phones sold. In the same period in 2009 was still 13.6 percent. Apple's iPhone was in the first quarter accounted for 2.7 percent of all phones sold worldwide.That's an increase of 1.2 percentage points compared to 2009. The number of phones in the first quarter of 2010 also increased significantly compared to last year, more than 269 million to over 314 million. Among those 314 million were 54 million smartphones.

The figures show that Android is the largest growth. More and more smartphones that run on this operating system. At the same time the growth of the iPhone is still impressive. Apple is now the world's seventh largest manufacturer of mobile phones. However, several other manufacturers produce phones, while Apple has this place due to the sale of just one phone.

Other Article :
Apple iPhone market share will decrease

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