Sunday, June 26, 2011

No more animals will be killed, After MEAT recipe is perfect

London - the first test results of minced meat stem cell scientists successfully created. Within a year, this meat will be perfect. Killing of animals was no longer necessary.
Scientists are confident of being able to create solutions for people that can still enjoy the meat without killing animals. Dutch scientists estimate, over the coming decades, world population will increase rapidly.
So fast, beef cattle were no longer enough meat to satisfy the needs of the residents of this Earth.According to scientists, the future of beef, chicken and goats can be created in a lab test tubes.
Currently, scientists are developing synthetic meat will be 'born' from 10 thousand stem cells taken from animals. These cells will be multiplied in the lab so as to achieve the billions and are able to produce a similar network of meat.
Maastricht University physiology professor Mark Post said, "We're trying to prove to the world can make products from stem cells."
Farm animals could no longer be relied upon in the next decade, continued the man who became the originator of this project.
"We need a brave who would menyicipi meat for the first time. If nobody volunteered, I was forced to intervene, "he said.
As is known, Dutch researchers the most advanced in the manufacture of synthetic flesh.
Scientists are convinced burgers are 'born' in the test tube is a first step a new food revolution.

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